see how to make free energy with motor and inverter .


A procedure will just happen precipitously, without included energy, in the event that it builds the entropy of the universe in general (or, in the limit of a reversible procedure, abandons it unaltered) – this is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Be that as it may, to me at any rate, that is somewhat of a theoretical thought. How might we make this thought more concrete and utilize it to make sense of if a concoction response will occur?

how to motor winding for free energy part 1  and part 2 .

part 1 video

part 2 .

Essentially, we require some sort of metric that catches the impact of a response on the entropy of the universe, including both the response framework and its environment. Helpfully, both of these components are folded into one advantageous esteem called the Gibbs free energy.

The Gibbs free energy of a framework is a proportion of the measure of usable energy that can do work in that framework. The adjustment in Gibbs free energy amid a response gives valuable data about the response’s energetics and immediacy (regardless of whether it can occur without included energy). We can work out a basic meaning of the adjustment in Gibbs free energy as:

As such ΔG is the adjustment in free energy of a framework as it goes from some underlying state, for example, all reactants, to some other, last state, for example, all items. This esteem discloses to us the greatest usable energy discharged (or assimilated) in going from the underlying to the last state. What’s more, its sign (positive or negative) reveals to us whether a response will happen suddenly, that is, without included energy.

When we work with Gibbs free energy, we need to make a few suspicions, for example, steady temperature and weight; be that as it may, these conditions hold generally valid for cells and other living frameworks.

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